
convoloot | 03 | Bastien Lecouffe Deharme

Spiridon Giannakis Season 1 Episode 3

Bastien Lecouffe Deharme was born on the shores of Brittany (France) in the early eighties. He creates dark and symbolic pictures, blending a contrast of beauty and decadence. He tells stories to make his inside worlds exist through texts and images. Bastien continued a career dedicated to every aspect of his art, painting Magic cards, working with his agency on large-scale projects, developing his graphic novels, and roleplaying games. He also teaches Digital Painting, Illustration, and figure drawing.

The third episode of the convoloot podcast with Bastien is all about why we create. Touching on topics like AI, creativity in general, mortality, and why we need to communicate... or transmit, at least.

The bonus content for this episode is quite long as we go off the rails quite a bit!

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